Eel Steaks(Hour 1a) We touched on the sad story of a Brentwood police officer killed in the line of duty in Brentwood.  More on that with Jim Gaudet in Hour 2b.

Since taking over the legislature in Concord, what exactly have the Democrats been up to?

It will soon be a felony in NH to catch and kill an American eel.  Wouldn’t outlawing legislation unfriendly to business be a better idea?  How about legislation to help bring down our highest in the country energy costs?

Rich ranted on what has and hasn’t been happening at the State House that will affect all NH residents.  Also,  a rundown of the regulations & taxes that are killing business in our state and keeping potentials out of state.

Read more about State House business in the On Air News Read.  We hope it’s not a felony to post pictures of freshwater eel steaks with audio archives.

05-15-2014 Hour 1a