Veterans, their families and survivors in New Hampshire are invited to participate in a Manchester VA Medical Center Town Hall discussion surrounding the Veterans Choice Program, Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) and Medical Center Programs & Services

Manchester VA:  Hosting

Manchester VA:  Hosting town hall.

Manchester, N.H. – Manchester VA Medical Center and Veterans Benefits Administration Regional Offices are inviting public participation at Veteran Town Halls scheduled for Wednesday, November 18, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., and on Thursday, December 3, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30p.m. These Veteran Town Halls will be held at the Manchester VA Medical Center. The medical center is located at 718 Smyth Road, Manchester, New Hampshire. The meeting is open to the public, including Congressional stakeholders, Veterans Service Organizations, state and local governmental and non-governmental organizations, and other community partners.

“These Town Halls are an opportunity for Manchester VA Medical Center to Change the Message being shared with Veterans, and to further their knowledge on health care options within VA,” said Danielle S. Ocker, Acting Director, Manchester VA Medical Center. “It is opportunities such as this where New Hampshire’s Veterans learn about programing and services to more easily navigate VA and access their earned care and benefits. Similarly, through feedback from our valued Veterans, we at VA can learn about what is working well, and what opportunities we can explore together to enhance the health care experience for all ¾to where Veterans will say, Manchester VA, that is ‘MyVA.’”

Subject matter experts from the Manchester VA, Health Net Federal Services and VBA will be on hand to assist Veterans personally at the town hall. News media questions may be directed to: Kristin Pressly – (603) 624-4366 x 6779.