We publish the letter of complaint filed by alderman at-Large candidate Robert Tarr against four aldermen in light of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen’s reconsideration of the contract with the Manchester Education Association.  

Honorable Mayor Gatsas

Mayor and Board of Alderman

1 City Hall Plaza

Manchester, New Hampshire 03101                                                                           September 4th, 2015

RE: Honest Government, Conflict of Interest, Violation of City Charter codes 9.01 & 9.03e

To whom it may concern,

Tarr:  Files complaint

Tarr: Files complaint

My name is Robert M Tarr, I currently reside at 74 Clinton Street, Apt. 1W here in the City of Manchester, New Hampshire. I have been a resident for 17 years. I nor my family is employed by the City of Manchester.

I would like to request filing a complaint(s) upon four elected officials of our City Government.

First complaint is upon Aldermen Patrick Long of Ward 3. The complaint as noted is Alderman Long has allegedly violated City Charter Article IX: Standards of Conduct, Section 9.01 where as he presented a motion “to reconsider a union contract before the Board of Mayor and Aldermen” on September 1st, 2015 without prior public notice.

The purposed agenda on September 1st, 2015 had been previously voted upon and approved by the Board of Mayor and Alderman for discussion and final approval of listed items. Alderman Long felt in his interest to include such a motion before the chairman asked for “New Business” at the end of the agenda for that evening.  Thus gave the public no prior notice that this would be discussed, voted on and/or passed.

It is alleged that Alderman Long violated Article IX: Standards of Conduct, Section 9.01 of the City Charter by not advising the public at large within a given time period to respond in public session of his motion.

Second complaint is upon Alderman Ron Ludwig, Alderman Barbara Shaw and Alderman Normand Garmache whereas under the City Charter Article IX: Standards of Conduct, Section 9.03 paragraph E were alleged to be in violation of “Conflict of Interest”.

It is alleged that Alderman Ron Ludwig was quoted in saying during the Board of Mayor and Alderman in a live broadcast on MCTV Channel 22 “It’s hard for me to go against the rule of the charter, but I’m going to do so tonight”. He again was quoted in a Union Leader News article as well. Thus his admission of knowledge as being a conflict of interest on the said motion presented by Alderman Long proves he is also in violation of Article IX: Standards of Conduct, Section 9.01.

Furthermore it is noted that Aldermen Ron Ludwig’s wife is a teacher currently employed in the Manchester School District, Alderwoman Barbara Shaw has a daughter currently employed in the Manchester School District and Alderman Normand Garmache has a daughter currently employed  in the Manchester School District.

Thus voting on a motion presented by Alderman Long in which a “Conflict of Interest” resided has also shown an alleged violation of  Article IX: Standards of Conduct, Section 9.01 against the said Aldermen aforementioned above.

As a citizen of the City of Manchester, New Hampshire I employ the Conduct Board as described under Article IX: Standards of Conduct, Section 9.04 of the City Charter to conduct an investigation into these allegations and to ensure swift and corrective action if deemed appropriate upon the Aldermen mentioned here within.


Robert M Tarr

Robert M Tarr

74 Clinton Street, Apt. 1W

Manchester, NH 03102-4422