Anchor: Chef Oonagh Williams
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Chef Oonagh Williams talks to us about real food and how to cook it, why it’s better for our health and how to avoid sickness by improving our diet in this segment. She pulls no punches and has a whole lot to say about a whole lot of issues surrounding food, how it’s grown, processed, cooked and consumed.
Oonagh Williams was born and brought up in London, England. She has a Culinary Arts Degree and trained in London and Switzerland. Having traveled extensively throughout Europe, she has an eclectic view of different cultures and cuisines that she incorporates into her consulting. People love her down to earth, common sense attitude, approach and entertaining stories. She has called Merrimack, NH home since 1987.
Oonagh divides her time between consulting/speaking on how to cook for a gluten free (and other food allergies) or just healthier food diet; teaching Adult International Cooking classes; and regularly appearing on WMUR, the local ABC TV station. Oonagh offers Gourmet, International, Super Bowl fare and Grandma’s comfort food for her client’s and student’s delight. Everything is from scratch, with all real ingredients – not a packet mix in sight! Everyone raves about Oonagh’s food after rediscovering how good food can taste.
- Author of ‘Delicious Gluten Free Cooking’ cookbook, over 200 pages, color photos throughout. From kid friendly Tollhouse cookies, pancakes and waffles to Adult indulgent beef in gf beer, chicken buffalo soup, avocado citrus soup, English Trifle and Tiramisu and more.
- The featured chef on WMUR ABC’s Channel 9’s Cooks Corner since 1999, the last four years have been either naturally gluten free or adapted to gluten free.
- Cooking with Oonagh TV shows featured on YouTube and new gluten free Cooking with Oonagh Channel on YouTube.
- Monthly recipe column for National Foundation for Celiac Awareness since January 2011.
- Column for Applaud for Women Magazinesince 2010
- Featured Chef at the Healthy Villi Boston Celiac Conference multiple times. (Now New England Celiac Organization)
- Spoke at the Annual GIG Celiac Conference May 2014, Atlanta Georgia.
- Scheduled to present at GIG N. Dakota conference
- Speaker at the NH Conference on Aging May 2014, ‘the Power of Food -you are what you eat’
- Invited to work with the NH Muscular Dystrophy Association and their 700 families
- Healthy Cooking, Healthy Living instructor at a Holistic Center
- Featured Chef in New Hampshire Magazine May 2012, also NH Business Magazine
- Featured Chef at City of Nashua Health Fair, and Corporate Health Fairs.
- Committee Chair Culinary Arts, Milford High School; Vice Chair Regional Center Advisory Committee MHS; Committee Member Culinary Arts Pinkerton High School.
- Speaker to Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, as well as chef/demonstrator to many area organizations
- Featured in local and regional newspapers, including The Union Leader, The Telegraph, the Hippo and various radio stations.
- Provides Gluten Free advice at Gluten Free Cooking with Oonagh on Facebook.
- Chef Oonagh does long distance consulting with Skype or telephone
- Being called “The British Julia Child!” “Oonagh sounds like Julie Andrews not Jamie Oliver”
For more information or to reach Chef Oonagh please call 603-424-6412
or mail /