Anchor: Dan Lagueux
Sponsor: New England’s Tap House Grille
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Dan Lagueux owns New England’s Tap House Grille, a trendy, upscale beer pub in Hooksett, NH. Each week, he features different beers, brewers and distributors in this segment to educate our audience about different local beers and breweries. We also sample several different beverage offerings. (Hey, it’s Noon somewhere, right?) So, if you’re interested in getting to know the local players and their offerings or getting tips from NH’s top craft brewers, if you want first hand descriptions of what the featured beverages taste like, if you want unparalleled guidance on how to pair your brew with food or expert information on how to property serve your suds, or want the inside scoop on the industry and its trends, be sure to tune in to this one of a kind segment!