Are you new to the Bedford New Hampshire area?

Moving to a new community can present a challenge or two. We’re here to help! The businesses below welcome you with special offers. We’ve also provided links to various local government Web sites that will, no doubt, be of interest.

Bedford New Hampshire: The Basics


Established in 1730 as Narragansett Number 5 for the benefit of soldiers who fought against the Narragansett Indians in Rhode Island, it was regranted first as Souhegan East, then as Bedford in 1750. The town was named for Lord John Russell, 4th Duke of Bedford, Secretary of State for the Southern Department (1748–1751), and a close friend of Governor Benning Wentworth, whose first wife, Diana Spencer, was cousin to the Duke of Marlborough. The first settlers in Bedford were Robert and James Walker III. A monument dated 1737 stands on what is now known as Hawthorne Drive, marking the first settlement. Bedford’s first moderator was Mayor John Goffe, son of Colonel John Goffe, for whom Goffstown was named.

( Source Wikipedia )

Bedford New Hampshire: City and Government Links

Detailed City Profile
Anything you could want to know and more
The official web site for the city of Bedford, NH covering all local government news and information.
The Bedford, New Hampshire Police Department website.
The Bedford, NH Fire Department Website.
Welcome to the
Bedford School District website!