Show Archive – June 6th, 2012

6 audio clips available

Topics and guests include:

  • Rich and DJ Dave discuss the happenings of last night’s Board meeting, Rich’s family history as it relates to D-Day, and how Scott Walker’s recall relates to what’s going on in Manchester. Find more of the details in “Oh My BLOG!” And don’t forget today’s Poll Question: Should the Manchester Board of Mayor and Aldermen override the spending and tax cap to increase funding for the city’s schools?
  • Rich tells us about a woman who came forward at last night’s meeting to discuss a series of violent pit-bull attacks in Manchester. We then get several callers to discuss this compelling story.
  • It’s Morgan Records Management‘s “Information Management Business Blunders” segment, and today’s topic: cyber-security. Are your systems secure? Is it safer to store passwords on your computer or on a pad of paper next to your computer?
  • Mayor Gatsas calls in for his weekly visit, and Rich asks him the important questions about the City budget. Is there a resolution to bridge our divided Board? Or is there something mischievous afoot?
  • Jim O’Connell, Citizens for Manchester Schools, calls in to give us his two cents on the latest happenings.



Show Archive – June 6th, 2012

6 audio clips available

Topics and guests included:

  • Rich and DJ Dave discuss the happenings of last night’s Board meeting, Rich’s family history as it relates to D-Day, and how Scott Walker’s recall relates to what’s going on in Manchester. Find more of the details in “Oh My BLOG!” And don’t forget today’s Poll Question: Should the Manchester Board of Mayor and Aldermen override the spending and tax cap to increase funding for the city’s schools?
  • Rich tells us about a woman who came forward at last night’s meeting to discuss a series of violent pit-bull attacks in Manchester. We then get several callers to discuss this compelling story.
  • It’s Morgan Records Management‘s “Information Management Business Blunders” segment, and today’s topic: cyber-security. Are your systems secure? Is it safer to store passwords on your computer or on a pad of paper next to your computer?
  • Mayor Gatsas calls in for his weekly visit, and Rich asks him the important questions about the City budget. Is there a resolution to bridge our divided Board? Or is there something mischievous afoot?
  • Jim O’Connell, Citizens for Manchester Schools, calls in to give us his two cents on the latest happenings.

Hour Number One

In the first hour, Rich and DJ Dave discuss the happenings of last night’s Board meeting, Rich’s family history as it relates to D-Day, and how Scott Walker’s recall relates to what’s going on in Manchester. Find more of the details in “Oh My BLOG!” And don’t forget today’s Poll Question: Should the Manchester Board of Mayor and Aldermen override the spending and tax cap to increase funding for the city’s schools?

[dewplayer: Hour 1.mp3]

Hour Number Two

In the second hour, Rich continues his discussion of the public hearing last night and tells us about a woman who came forward to discuss a series of violent pit-bull attacks in Manchester. We then get several callers to discuss this compelling story. In the second half of the hour, it’s Morgan Records Management‘s “Information Management Business Blunders” segment, and today’s topic: cyber-security. Are your systems secure? Is it safer to store passwords on your computer or on a pad of paper next to your computer? Tune in to find out, and call Morgan Records Management at 509-3986!

[dewplayer: Hour 2.mp3]

Hour Number Three

Mayor Gatsas calls in for his weekly visit, and Rich asks him the important questions about the City budget. Is there a resolution to bridge our divided Board? Or is there something mischievous afoot? In the second half of the hour, Jim O’Connell, Citizens for Manchester Schools, called in to give us his two cents on the latest happenings.

[dewplayer: Hour 3.mp3]

Dan Fawcett, Morgan Records Management

It’s Morgan Records Management‘s “Information Management Business Blunders” segment, and today’s topic: cyber-security. Are your systems secure? Is it safer to store passwords on your computer or on a pad of paper next to your computer? Tune in to find out, and call Morgan Records Management at 509-3986!

[dewplayer: MRM.mp3]

Mayor Ted Gatsas

Mayor Gatsas calls in for his weekly visit, and Rich asks him the important questions about the City budget. Is there a resolution to bridge our divided Board? Or is there something mischievous afoot?

[dewplayer: Mayor Gatsas.mp3]

Jim O’Connell, Citizens for Manchester Schools

Jim O’Connell, Citizens for Manchester Schools, called in to give us his two cents on the latest happenings.

[dewplayer: Jim.mp3]