MPD: Just a Friendly Reminder… Lock Your Cars!
MPD: Just a Friendly Reminder… Lock Your Cars!
The Manchester Police Department wants to remind citizens to lock their parked vehicles. Residents throughout the City have been reporting similar incidents where vehicles parked at their homes, even in their own driveways, have been victimized.
While overall, the report of thefts from vehicles has remained relatively steady, we did notice cluster of activity in two neighborhoods over the weekend. In the south end of the City, four different homes on Bryant Road, Rosegate Farm Dr and Country Walk Drive were targeted where vehicles parked in the driveways of these residences were entered and items removed. On the west side of the City five people living on Warner St, Donald Street, Boynton Street, Charleston Avenue and Brock Street all reported items removed from unlocked vehicles parked at the residences.
It is not uncommon for us to see a small spike in this activity as the warmer weather approaches and we want to take the opportunity to warn residences to keep their vehicles locked when they are parked and unattended. The information we have gathered on these incidents do suggest that the majority of vehicles victimized by theft are generally ones that have been left unsecure and subsequently present an easy target.
The simplest measure of security we can suggest is to keep your vehicles locked. In addition, items of value should not be stored in the vehicle overnight and your best bet would be to bring these items into your home overnight.
Individuals involved in this theft activity recognize that people commonly store GPS units, radar detectors, I-pods, brand name sunglass and assorted currency and change inside their vehicles and will certainly take advantage of an opportunity to easily access an unlocked car and remove these valuables. So this is just a friendly reminder to lock your cars so you can minimize the risk of being victimized.