Cotter: Withdraws for personal reasons
And then there was one! The Manchester Superintendent Search Committee learned late Tuesday afternoon that one of the two finalists for superintendent withdrew from this search for a variety of personal reasons. The committee’s consultants from Hazard, Young, Attea and Associates, received word from Dr. Vincent Cotter late Tuesday afternoon that he was no longer interested in the position.

Vargas: Last man standing
That means Dr. Bolgen Vargas of Rochester, N Y is the last man standing. Vargas will visit the city on Friday to tour schools and participate in question and answer sessions involving parents, teachers, students, staff and others invited by the schools’ principals. He will have lunch with the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce and will answer general questions at an open public forum at six on Friday evening at Memorial High School. The Board of School Committee will interview Vargas during a special meeting beginning at eight on Saturday morning prior to making a decision on his candidacy.
In a statement issued yesterday, search committee Chair Debra Langton said that Cotter’s withdrawal, while disappointing, does nothing to diminish Vargas as an applicant. The search committee unanimously voted to forward his application to the board.

Girard: Moves to suspend committee’s work
In other news from the Manchester Board of School Committee, the Special Committee on Redistricting voted to suspend its operation last night. After several months of data collection, the committee decided to put things on hold pending the selection of a new superintendent of schools. Citing comments made by committee Chair Leslie Want and Assistant Superintendent David Ryan, committee member Rich Girard made the motion arguing if the chair wanted to get the new superintendent’s input, then the committee and the board should give the new superintendent a chance to become familiar with the district and reengage the process once he’s ready to address it. So, it doesn’t look like there’ll be anything further from that committee for the foreseeable future.

Candia: Getting trashed
Someone’s trashing the little town of Candia, literally and the Candia Police and Highway departments are asking for the public’s help. The town has had a rash of illegal dumping incidents. The problem areas include: Chester Road, Crowley Road, New Boston Road, Critchett Road, Raymond Road, Brown Road, and Old Candia Road. Dumped items include tires, asbestos material, shingles and bagged household trash. Two of the calls involved a large amount of A T V/ lawn tractor tires and rims. Town officials said the dumping is not only illegal, it’s costly in time and treasure to clean. Police and Highway officials are asking residents to report suspicious vehicles in the problem areas or vehicles carrying loads of tires or debris that appear out of the ordinary. Vehicle description and license plate numbers are helpful. Citizens may contact the Candia Police Dispatch at 4 8 3 2 3 1 7.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

O’Connor: Survives Democrat ballot challenge
For a second time, New Hampshire’s Ballot Law Commission rejected the Democrat State Committee’s attempt to remove Shawn O’Connor, a Bedford businessman, from the November election ballot. Last week, evidently fearing O’Connor will draw support from Democratic nominee Carol Shea-Porter of Rochester, Democrats tried unsuccessfully to invalidate the petition signatures that put O’Connor on the ballot. O’Connor was going to primary Shea-Porter, however he decided to run as an Independent, citing intense interference from the party in the campaign.

Shea Porter: Down in poll
Meanwhile, a poll of registered voters done by North Star Opinion Research released on Monday shows incumbent Congressman Frank Guinta, Republican from Manchester, leading Shea-Porter, by three points, forty one to thirty eight percent. Guinta’s camp says the poll contradicts Democrat predictions that the race will be cake walk for Shea-Porter. They also claim the combo of good polls and a challenge from O’Connor, a Bernie Sanders enthusiast with money to spend, bodes well for them in this, the fourth straight contest between the two. Guinta won in two thousand ten. Shea Porter won in two thousand twelve. Guinta came back to win again in two thousand fourteen and everybody hopes this will be the last race between them. We’ve linked to the poll. It’s an easy and interesting read.

Award winners announced
The Greater Derry Londonderry Chamber of Commerce will present attorney William Parnell with its 2 0 1 6 Citizen of the Year award at the organization’s Annual Dinner to be held on Thursday, October 6th, at Birch Wood Vineyards in Derry, the former Promises to Keep. Said Eileen Keefe, Chief Nursing Officer at Parkland Medical Center, who will present the award to Parnell, quote:
A resident of Derry since 1979, Bill Parnell has worked tirelessly to make Derry and the entire region a better place to live and work. From his commitment to and coaching of various youth sports to his volunteer service in support of economic development in downtown Derry and Southern New Hampshire, Bill’s influence and contributions to the Derry-Londonderry region have been exceptional.

Parnell: Citizen of the Year
The Chamber will also recognize CocaCola Bottling Company of Northern New England as the recipient of its Business of the Year award.
The Annual Dinner is the organization’s signature event and attracts upwards of two hundred members of the local business community to network and celebrate the awardees’ accomplishments and those of the Chamber. The theme of this year’s dinner is “A Night at the Oscars.” For more information or tickets to the event, visit G D L Chamber dot org.
That’s news from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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