Willard: Investigating murder
New Hampshire Attorney General Joseph Foster and Manchester Police Chief Enoch F. Willard announced an investigation into a homicide that occurred yesterday at around half past Midnight. Medical Examiner Jennie Duval completed an autopsy of fifty one year old Robert Shatney of two thirty one Thornton Street and determined that he died as a result of a gunshot wound to the chest. Duval certified it was homicide. Shatney was found dead in his home after a police received a report of shots fired. The investigation is ongoing, no arrests have been made and, the public is reminded to remain vigilant. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Manchester Police Department Detective Division at 7 9 2 5 5 0 0 or the Manchester Crimeline at 6 2 4 4 0 4 0 where your anonymous tip could earn you a cash reward.

McGillen: Wants wall with tolls to block non-townie criminals (not really)
Now we go from murder in Manchester to crime in Candia! The Candia Police Department released its monthly crime stats as it continues to battle the infamous Crime Wave that’s washed over the town. Over the past month, the department issued a stunning one hundred thirteen motor vehicle warnings and an incredible three motor vehicle summons. Candia’s cops also arrested five people; three on various D W I charges, one for driving while suspended and another for drug possession and transporting alcohol. None of those arrested were from Candia, prompting Police Chief Mike McGillen to call on the town’s Board of Selectmen to build a wall with toll gates around the town. The selectmen will consider the request during their meeting on the First of Octember.

Littlefield: Going out to pasture.
Chucky the Super, also known as Superintendent Charles P. Littlefield of Hooksett, Candia and Auburn has called it quits, almost. Talk was in the air when the three towns S A U formed a superintendent search committee several weeks ago, but Littlefield made his departure official in a letter sent to S A U 15 Board Chair Mark Comeau last Wednesday advising he will not seek the extension of his contract. The letter says he’ll stay on board until June thirtieth of 2 0 1 8, at which point he plans to enter the New Hampshire Retirement System, which is probably the reason he came here after retiring in Massachusetts ten years ago. (And, yes, we’ve confirmed the 2018 retirement date. He’s not gone, yet! Still more than 18 months to go!)
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Buckley: Song for the Big Chair?
Raymond Buckley, the Chairman of the New Hampshire State Democratic Party, has officially announced he will run to be the Democratic National Committee’s next chairman. Buckley, who for several years has been one of the D N C’s five vice chairs, made the announcement in an email promising quote “radical reform” yesterday.
In the email, he also promised a quote:
team effort quote unlike what we have seen for many years. Every voice should be respected, every face reflected in the Democratic Party.
Other declared candidates include former D N C Chairman, 2004 presidential candidate and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison and South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison.
Frankly, this ought to be fun to watch the party of identity politics has to choose between candidates that represent some of its marquee labeled constituencies for its next chairman. Buckley is openly gay. Ellison is black and Muslim. Dean is a rich, white liberal. Harrison, is a Southern black political operative with close ties to John Podesta, and therefore, Hillary Clinton.
Is this their version of heaven or Hell? After all, doesn’t one “group” have to “win” in this contest?

Sununu: Another budget guru
With hearings on state agency budget requests having just concluded, Governor-elect Chris Sununu announced that his transition team has brought on Bill Ardinger to provide additional counsel on budget issues and public policy. Ardinger, a Concord-based tax attorney with the firm of Rath, Young and Pignateli, P.C., joins Charlie Arlinghaus, who was previously named to direct the budget process for the governor-elect.

Ardinger: Budget Guru Two
In announcing the pick, Jamie Burnett, co-director of the transition, said Ardinger quote:
…brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the transition and a commitment to improving government, which will serve Governor-elect Sununu well as he prepares to take office.
In the spirit of the season, the town of Derry has put up a Giving Tree in the lobby of the Town Municipal Center. This year, the Derry Community Fund and the Sonshine Soup Kitchen will distribute these items to assist the needs of Derry residents. Donation boxes to receive the requested gifts are located at the Municipal Center.

In the Derry Municipal Center
The need this year is for winter outerwear for all ages, undergarments for men and women (sizes L & XL), personal care items, and gifts for teenagers. The town is encouraging and welcoming members of the public to select a card off the Giving Tree. The last day to drop off donations is Thursday, December 8th for the Derry Community Fund and Friday, December 16th for the Sonshine Soup Kitchen.
Any Derry resident in need of holiday assistance, is invited to visit the town’s Human Services Office, which is in the Municipal Center, and apply to the Derry Community Fund.

Manchester: Last week for curbside collection
This week is the last week the city of Manchester will collect yard waste at the curbside until the Spring. Residents with questions or customer service issues should contact Pinard Waste Systems at 4 1 3 6 7 9 9 or customer service at pinard waste dot com. From December through March, those possessing residential permits may dispose of yard waste from their residence at the Dunbarton Road Drop Off Facility at no cost. Commercial permit holders will be charged seven and a half cents per pound. All facility permits are just five bucks and good for one full year from date of purchase.
We’re telling you about this more than half way through the week and after the last weekend you could have cleaned up your yard because the city didn’t notify us until after we went off the air yesterday. Just so you know…