It Was Me(Hour 1a, b) Rich went to last night’s Manchester Dog Park meeting and shared the crazy details.  It’s hard to believe that we’re spending as much time on this stuff at City Hall and on our adorable little radio show as we are, but hey, at least these people aren’t boring!  Just be careful where you step when you’re at odds with the Friends of the Manchester Dog Park.  

More in the On Air News Read

NOTE Posted on 12/8/2013:  Girard At Large releases Facebook posts from the Friends of the Manchester Dog Park closed Facebook group page to verify commentaries and news stories.  Memo to Alderman at-Large Joe Kelly Levasseur:  Yes, Joe, our sources ARE that good and always have been, much to your chagrin, I know.  Regards to all:  RH Girard

Jon C. Hopwood contemplates crashing the Manchester Dog Park Association’s annual meetingAld. Levasseur chimes in.  Nice try to cover yourselves toward the end, gents!

Posts on a thread that has comments from before and after the MDPA’s meeting, including from Bethanie Saint Laurent, stating she hoped to be intimidating, among other things.  There are several posts from the hardcore core of the MDPA’s opponents which give an unvarnished look at this group.  Oh, there’s a reference her to taping the meeting.  Interesting…

Here is the thread started by Saint Laurent after the meeting, complaining about it and stating she recorded it.  Lots of comments from the core anti MDPA group.  Note Levasseur was very active in this thread and the one immediately above.

Finally, here is the letter written by the insurance agency employee Levasseur called about the MDPA’s insurance policy.

12-06-2013 Hour 1a, b