Ed Naile(Hour 1c) Is Voter Fraud a booming business in NH?  It is, apparently, for quite a few people working politics here that don’t LIVE here but do VOTE here.  Although the paper balloting voting system we employ is a good one, the holes in our voting laws for fraudsters to vote through are problematic to say the least.  Take the voter nests at 1200 Elm St. and 95 River Rd. for example.  Ed reveals he will be investigating Luke Watson, a worker on the Paul Hodes campaign, Not to mention the “Voter Fraud Rich” environments at our college campuses. CNHT will also be tracking those out-0f-state college students who will be pursued by Jeanne Shaheen’s office and other candidate, for the next election. Ed is also keeping an eye on fraudulent voter Peter Kavanaugh of Hilltop Public Solutions and former “resident” of 1200 Elm Street, who is now working on a campaign in RI. FYI: the Coalition of NH Taxpayers is looking for volunteers to nab the cheaters that are bound to turn out for this year’s election.

02-19-2014 Hour 1c