Valleca:  Officers to wear Cameras

Valleca: Officers to wear Cameras

Weare Police:  Smile, you're on Candid Camera!

Weare Police: Smile, you’re on Candid Camera!










06-27-2014 News

Weare Police Chief John Velleca announced that officers will soon wear cameras while on patrol.  In a statement issued yesterday, the department said  the presence of patrol cameras can both blunt some of the sharp edges of human interaction and improve officer behavior.  Said Velleca quote “The Weare Police Department is a transparent agency that strives to maintain the highest level of accountability to the community we serve.  Equipping our officers with Body Worn Cameras will enhance that level of accountability.”  End quote.  The release went on to say that studies have shown that camera-wearing officers were involved in dramatically less use of force related incidents, and that behavioral changes were so striking in some studies, both in the officers and in citizens they encountered, that complaints against camera wearing cops declined by nearly ninety percent.  Click here for our interview with Velleca on the changes needed, promised at Weare PD.

Crystal Lake:  Closed by E. Coli

Crystal Lake:  Reopened to public

The Manchester Health Department allowed the reopening of the public beach at Crystal Lake yesterday.  Analyses of water samples taken on the twenty fifth revealed that E. coli levels were back within acceptable limits.  The Health Department will continue to take weekly water samples at Crystal Lake through Labor Day.  And, if you’re interested, we’ve posted a link to where the Health Department publishes its weekly water testing results for Crystal Lake and a whole bunch of other sites in and around the city.

Hassan:  State's business ratings have fallen on her watch

Hassan: State’s business ratings have fallen on her watch

New Hampshire is unfriendly to business.  That’s the conclusion of a recent report released by C N B C showing the state’s business rankings continue to plummet.  Once a leader in business friendliness, N H now ranks thirtieth.  Thank God we have Massachusetts to our south to employ the eighteen percent of our workforce that has to leave the state everyday to go to work.  What was that?  Oh My HEAD!

News from our own backyard continues after this.

US Supreme Court strikes down Mass "buffer zone law."

US Supreme Court strikes down Mass “buffer zone law.”

The United States Supreme Court unanimously tossed the Massachusetts buffer zone bill on its head yesterday.  The bill established a thirty five foot no protest zone around abortion clinics and served as the model for a nearly identical bill signed into law just weeks ago here in New Hampshire.  State Senate Chair Sharon Carson, Republican of Londonderry, who led the opposition to Senate Bill Three Nineteen, issued a statement yesterday saying quote:  “The Supreme Court’s unanimous decision…affirmed the concerns raised by lawmakers, Constitutional scholars, and others over this last session with regards to New Hampshire’s buffer zone bill.  In siding with the plaintiffs in this case, the Court has agreed that these buffer zone laws pose an onerous burden to the free speech rights of those who wish to educate, protest, or otherwise exercise their Constitutional rights around these facilities.  As the court noted in its ruling, there are steps lawmakers can take to ensure safe and open access for patients to reproductive clinics, but in crafting those laws we must be mindful of the First Amendment rights of all of our residents.”

Rubens:  Pro-Choicer who hails buffer zone ruling

Rubens: Pro-Choicer who hails buffer zone ruling

G O P U S Senate Candidate Jim Rubens issued a statement saying the following quote:  “Restricting peaceful speech and prayer in public spaces – even about controversial subjects like abortion –  is flagrantly unconstitutional.  I am happy that the court recognized this unanimously.”  The statement went on to say that Rubens, who is pro-choice, had vigorously opposed “buffer zone” laws like the one just passed because he clearly understands that these are a direct violation of our First Amendment rights.  Republican Senators Nancy Stiles of North Hampton, Bob Odell of Lempster, John Reagan of Deerfield and Majority Leader Jeb Bradley of Wolfeboro voted for the bill, which made it possible for Governor Margaret Wood Hassan to sign it.  Time to dust off the law degree, governor.  Contrary to some mis-information, Republican David Boutin of Hooksett did NOT support the bill.

Shaheen:  Stimulus $$ for hubby's company?

Shaheen: Stimulus $$ for hubby’s company?

The ethical firestorm swirling around Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s finances went from bad to worse yesterday.  As you may know, the Boston Globe reported Ultrawave Labs Inc. received nearly eighty thousand dollars in federal stimulus money shortly after Shaheen’s husband Bill was hired as an advisor and granted thousands in stock options.  Shaheen’s camp finally responded to the Globe, saying the options had expired.  Not so said State G O P Chair Jennifer Horn who hammered that in a release yesterday, saying quote ““The Shaheen campaign’s explanation for her shady stock options directly contradicts the information provided in Senator Shaheen’s personal financial disclosure report.  Senator Shaheen needs to explain this discrepancy and discuss why she has either misled her constituents with false information or misled the Senate Ethics Committee with false reports.”  In response, Shaheen said she would amend her financial disclosure report to show the options had expired which provoked yet another release from Horn who said quote:  “It’s clear that Senator Shaheen provided inaccurate information to the Senate Ethics Committee on her personal financial disclosure form.  This error raises questions about a potential conflict of interest involving the Shaheens and their involvement with a company that received federal stimulus funds.  It’s also troubling that these discrepancies were only revealed after the Shaheens faced media security about their questionable finances. “

Rubens:  Shaheen a rubber stamp for Obama

Rubens: Shaheen a rubber stamp for Obama

Aside from that, G O P Senate Candidate Jim Rubens issues a statement hammering Shaheen for her failure to stand up to President Barry on his recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, appointments that were stricken yesterday by a unanimous Supreme Court, nullifying two years of decisions by the board.  Said Rubens quote ““Here is yet another example of President Obama operating outside the bounds of the law.  Jeanne Shaheen acted as a rubber stamp via her failure to oppose or even comment on these unconstitutional acts.”  End quote.

That’s news from our own backyard Girard at Large hour ___ is straight ahead.