Published as received from Ed Naile, Chairman of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers. ~Publius
This is the time of year I get tips about out of state voters. This tip is a bit fuzzy. I need to get some more info on it but it goes like this:
Southern New Hampshire University plans on having a student voter registration drive real soon, complete with free pizza!
So far, there seems to be no problem.
Then we have the kicker. The NH ACLU will be there helping students understand their rights their rights as defined by the NH ACLU.
What, nobody called me.
I would tell the children to call home and talk to their local election officials and see if voting in a state in which you are not legally domiciled is a good idea, even for free pizza.
Another thing you have to think about is how sloppy the NH statewide database is almost as if on purpose. Same day voters who sneak a vote in NH while they are in college in NH or campaigning here have their names stay on the statewide database for years after they are gone and registered in other states.
Maybe the NH ACLU can warn the out of state students about what might happen to them for voting in a state in which they do not live when it is so easy to simply get an absentee ballot back home.
Being an active voter in several states at once opens you up to anyone walking into a polling place and voting in your name after you are long gone.
Maybe I should check with Hooksett and see how they handle this student registration effort by the NH ACLU.
Doesn’t the current Democrat Gubernatorial candidate work at SNHU?