Memorial Day parades announced, weather permitting
Manchester’s Memorial Day Parade will step off down Elm Street at two today, with wreath laying ceremonies in Veterans Park afterward.
In Bow, the annual Memorial Day Ceremony and Cookout starts at four fifteen with a wreath ceremony at Town Pond followed by a Memorial Day ceremony and cookout at the Gazebo.
Candia’s American Legion Post 9 1, will begin its Memorial Day Observance this morning at 11 at The Civil War Soldier’s Monument at Four Corners.
Derry’s Memorial Day parade and ceremony starts at 11 and ends with a ceremony and observance at MacGregor Park.
Goffstown’s Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony begins at 8:30, followed by a with a wreath laying ceremony at the Charte Memorial, a stop on the Main Street Bridge to toss a bouquet into the Piscataquog River, a second wreath ceremony at the Army War Memorial and a final wreath ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at West Lawn Cemetery.

Londonderry Post 27: Post parade ceremonies and cookout
Londonderry’s American Legion Post 2 7’s annual Memorial Day Parade steps off at ten and will be followed by a wreath laying ceremony at the grave of the post’s namesake P F C Vern Greeley in the Glenwood Cemetery, after which ceremonies will continue on the Town Common and are followed by an open house and cookout at the post.
In Raymond, the Memorial Day parade starts at 10, and is followed by a short ceremony, including a 2 1-gun salute on the Town Common.
The New Hampshire Fisher Cats will host special commemorative ceremonies before their game this afternoon, details of which can be found at NH Fisher Cats dot com.

NH Veterans Cemetery to unveil and dedicate new memorial
The New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery will hold its annual ceremonies beginning at eleven this morning, followed by the unveiling and dedication of its new monument to those who’ve lost their lives in the global war on terror at twelve thirty.
And finally, local veteran and author Bill Graser will be discussing and signing his book, Veterans Reflections: History Preserved, at the Barnes and Nobles Book Store on South Willow St. in Manchester starting at one o’clock today.
Of course, all of this is subject to the weather, so be sure to check your town’s Web site for announcements. Folks in Bedford and Hooksett held their ceremonies yesterday, so no worries there, unless you live there and missed them.
We’ve linked to further details of these events from this news read at Girard at Large dot com, so be sure to click in!

Merrimack Rotary: Releases Family Fund Day details
The Rotary Club of Merrimack is reminding us all that the Fourth of July is just around the corner with a bunch of announcements about their Annual Fourth of July Family Fun Day. This year, they’ll serve their annual Pancake Breakfast, from eight to eleven in the cafeteria at Merrimack High School.
The group is also raffling off the opportunity to ride a fire engine in the annual parade. They’ve teamed up with Merrimack’s Fire Rescue Department to give three lucky folks the chance ring the bell, blow the horn, sound the siren, and wave to friends and neighbors from the best seat in the parade. All you’ve got to do is win the raffle and you and two lucky friends will get the best seat in the house! Tickets are two bucks each and may only be purchased at merrimack 4th dot com. There is no limit to the amount of tickets an individual can purchase.

Merrimack Fire: Win a fire truck ride in 4th of July Parade!
The club also announced art and photography contests. Artists and photographers are encouraged to submit art and photography work that is framed and ready to hang with wire. Works should not exceed 24” x 30” with frame. Entry forms and complete details are located at triple dub dot merrimack4th dot com slash contests.
Finally, the Rotary has released the Family Fun Day’s schedule of events, which includes the Sparkler 5K Road Race, the Pancake Breakfast, the Parade, the bizillion Fun Day events that run from Noon to nine and the fireworks which begin at dusk.
To get complete details, contribute, become a sponsor, volunteer and OOOHHH sooo much more, visit, you guessed it, merrimack 4th dot com. You can follow them on Twitter @Merrimack4th.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Hassan: VT is safe because cows can’t shoot
Governor Margaret Wood Hassan vetoed House Bill 5 8 2 on Friday. The bill would have repealed the requirement that legally qualified gun owners obtain a permit to conceal carry a pistol or revolver. Hassan vetoed a similar bill last year. About the veto, House Majority Leader Dick Hinch, Republican from Merrimack, said the governor was demonstrating her quote“unwillingness to compromise and work in a bipartisan fashion on second amendment issues.” Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley, Republican from Wolfeboro, compared the state to Vermont saying that it “never required a special permit for concealed carry and is the safest state in the nation.”

Tomorrow is the last day to change party before primary
Attention New Hampshire voters! Tomorrow, Tuesday, May thirty-first is the last day to change your party affiliation before the September primary. If you’re not sure how you’re registered, time to get yourself to your city or town hall to take a look. If you don’t know where city or town hall is, you’re not from here, so just get out and forget voting! You can also check on line at the Secretary of State’s Web site at s o s dot n h dot gov. The filing period to run for office runs Wednesday June First through Friday June tenth. Ought to be an interesting couple of weeks ahead!
That’s news from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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