Edelblut: Cites study
Republican Gubernatorial candidate Frank Edleblut is pointing to a major non-partisan university study as another reason New Hampshire should end the expansion of Medicaid brought on by Obamacare.
According to Edelblut, a Georgetown University study indicates that Medicaid expansion undermines work participation among healthy, childless adults, something opponents to state’s Medicaid expansion legislation, led by District Nine State Senator Andy Sanborn of Bedford, said would happen if the legislation passed.

Sanborn: Was right on Medicaid impacts
Edelblut said the non-partisan, wide ranging study showed that Medicaid expansion was “associated with 1.5 to 3 percentage point drop in labor force participation.” In response, Edelblut said quote:
If we want to see less people working, and more people on welfare, then we can continue down this dangerous path. Or, we can reverse course and protect the taxpayers of New Hampshire. The real solution is to fix the structural problems with health care in New Hampshire so that these individuals can find truly affordable coverage and climb the economic ladder. This can be achieved.”
Edelblut claimed he was the only Republican who has consistently voted to oppose Obamacare Medicaid welfare expansion and call for it to be phased out.

Winterton: Removed from ballot
Republican District Sixteen State Senate Candidate Don Winterton has been removed from the ballot by Secretary of State Bill Gardner. According to Gardner, Winterton, a town councilor in Hooksett, voted in Florida from 2 0 0 8 to 2 0 1 2, which, according to state law, made him a resident of Florida, even though he voted by absentee ballot from his Hooksett address. As written in the New Hampshire constitution,
no person shall be capable of being elected a senator, who is not of the age of thirty years, and who shall not have been an inhabitant of this state for seven years immediately preceding his election, and at the time thereof he shall be an inhabitant of the district for which he shall be chosen.

Gardner: Says residency clock started in 2012
In short, that means none of Winterton’s pre-Florida residency in the state matters. The residency question was brought to the fore by Democratic State Committee Chairman Raymond Buckley. Gardner said ballots for the district, which includes Manchester Wards One, Two and Twelve and the towns of Hooksett Dunbarton, Candia and Bow will be reprinted without Winterton’s name, leaving Candia State Rep. Joe Duarte as the only Republican candidate on the ballot.

Want: Breaks process promise
The Manchester Board of School Committee’s Special Committee on Redistricting won’t be hearing from city teachers or residents on the four remaining plans to redistrict the city’s schools this coming Monday night. That’s because it voted last night to recommend building a five and one half million dollar addition to Jewett Street Elementary School to centralize the city’s pre-school classes and build an elementary school in the northwestern part of the city to alleviate overcrowding at Northwest Elementary. Past estimates for a new elementary school have been around twelve million dollars.

Avard: Millions must be spent
Despite having sufficient space to address the population problems in the schools, city principals resisted the changes that would be necessary to use the space, repeatedly urging the committee to quote unquote “invest in the schools” by building new buildings. Despite not having any information on where a new elementary school would be located, how big it would be or how much it would cost, committee Chair Leslie Want from Ward Four asked Assistant Superintendent Dr. Chris Martin to provide as much detail on the committee’s decision as possible so quote
we can really push this option with the public.

Tessier: Why are we talking about plans?
Ward Ten’s John Avard made the motion, citing decreasing debt service levels in coming years. It was seconded by at-Large Committee Member Nancy Tessier who wanted to know why it was the committee kept discussing the 2 0 0 7 Plan resuscitated by at Large member Rich Girard. Want originally told Avard she wouldn’t take the motion because the committee pledged to get feedback from principals, teachers and the public before making final decisions. Avard said he’d already made his and nothing was going to change his mind. Want relented and the vote was taken. Want, Tessier and Avard were in favor. Girard was opposed and Ward Three Member Mary Georges, despite urging the committee to finish the process it started, did not vote.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Ford: Wrongly arrested
The Hooksett Police Department arrested the man wanted in Manchester for the September seventh armed robbery of Han’s Food Mart and the First Degree Assault of its owner, eighty one year old Young Hun Yun, yesterday. Twenty year old Thomas Ford, Jr. was arrested by Hooksett officers outside of the Servpro facility located at 1 8 7 Londonderry Turnpike without incident. Ford was released into the custody of the Manchester Police Department.
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: The Manchester Police Department announced it erred in arresting Ford for the armed robbery and assault at Han’s Food Mart. Complete details in Monday’s news read.

Candia Police: Crime Wave report
The town of Candia continues to be battered by a relentless crime wave, so much so we think we caught Candia’s finest trying to hide what’s happening. Upon receiving the Candia cops monthly report, we noticed they’d kept the number of motor vehicle warnings and summonses issued blank! But, thanks to our persistent investigative efforts, we were able to get them to admit they gave a whopping one hundred seventy six motor vehicle warnings and eight motor vehicle summonses. They also bagged a nineteen year old with alcohol, charging him with transportation and unlawful possession. They arrested another for simple assault and obstructing the report of a crime or injury. And, they picked up two folks on outstanding warrants from departments in Portsmouth and Franklin. Don’t you worry, we’ll keep a close eye on them!
That’s news from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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