Bedford’s drug awareness and prevention group, BeBOLD (Bedford Building Our Lives Drug-free), is hosting their first ever Speaker Series forum tonight from seven to eight in the Bedford Public Library. Tonight’s speaker is Bedford Police Chief John Bryfonski whose presentation is entitled “Bursting Bedford’s Bubble – It’s Our Problem Too.” Ouch, them’s fightin’ words! The speaker series will take place monthly, featuring a different speaker with a different topic. We’ve linked to interviews we’ve done with Joy Monfried of BeBOLD and Chief Bryfonski so you can learn more about the efforts of the group and the department to fight the epidemic that, yes, has really invaded the Bedford Bubble!

BPD: Anonymous tips by text
The Bedford Police Department announced a Nixle 3 6 0 initiative, which offers residents the ability to easily and anonymously submit tips from their mobile devices using text and web messages. It also will provide the department with a two way, anonymous connection to help gather more information to help them help you or someone you know. To text an anonymous tip, type TIP BEDFORD NHPD followed by your message, to 8 8 8 7 7 7.

Merrimack: Outdoor water usage restrictions tightened
The town of Merrimack and the Merrimack Village District are encouraging all residents, businesses and industries to use water conservation measures while tightening restrictions on outside watering, beginning today. Outdoor watering will only be allowed once per day, instead of twice, and only from five to eight P M. The odd/ even system, where odd numbered addresses water on the odd days and even numbered addresses water on the even days, remains in place. For some reason, the town announced that all town properties and facilities will abide by these restrictions and recommendations. We wonder if that means they haven’t been to this point…Anyway, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services has developed a link for drought information, which we’ve linked to from this story if you’d like to see how you can reduce water use.

Trying to be transparent
The Manchester Police Department website will now post a log of its calls for service at manchester p d dot com. The log is located on the upper right hand side of the page. Published will be the prior day’s calls for service, including the date and time of the call, location and details with a case number. The log will be downloaded at 12:01 A M providing the previous 2 4 hour’s calls for service, and will only store a seven day loop of information.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Cruz: Searches soul, endorses Trump
Texas Senator Ted Cruz shook the political world late last week by endorsing the man who beat him in what became a personally bitter contest. Cruz drew the wrath of conservatives across the country after refusing to endorse Trump at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Wrote Cruz to his supporters quote:
After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.
Cruz said he did so for two reasons. First he promised to support the G O P nominee during the campaign and he will keep his word. Second, he said that even though he has areas of significant disagreement with Trump quote “by any measure Hillary Clinton is wholly unacceptable.”

Trump: Accepts Cruz endorsement, to debate Clinton tonight
Cruz said there were six key policy differences that informed his decision. The firs being the Supreme Court, for which Trump released another list of potential candidates that’s again delighted conservatives. Cruz referenced that list and Trump’s pledge to only nominate justices from the lists he’s released as factors in his decision. He also listed Obamacare, energy, immigration, national security and Internet freedom as the other key issue areas where Trump’s positions were in the best interest of the country.
And, just as an aside, tonight’s debate between Trump and Clinton is expected to draw one hundred million viewers. I sincerely hope I’m one of them as that means tonight’s school board meeting will have come to a quick conclusion!

Livingston: Final meeting tonight
Speaking of tonight’s meeting of the Manchester Board of School Committee, it will be the last for outgoing Superintendent Debra Livingston. Her successor was elected by the board in a special session on Saturday. After a public interview that lasted two hours and a non public session that lasted about half an hour, the last man standing in the search process, Dr. Bolgen Vargas, former superintendent of the Rochester, N Y City School District, and before that, former Chairman of the Rochester City School Board of Education, was elected on a fourteen to one vote.

Vargas: To start on October 1st
He was opposed by only Ward Twelve’s Constance Van Houten, who just couldn’t get over how the search committee, whose creation she opposed, conducted the search. Anyway, Vargas, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic who came to our country when he was seventeen, speaking no English and whose middle school education came from a radio program, finished high school in three years and ultimately earned a doctoral degree with distinction from U-Penn, will take the helm as Manchester’s twentieth superintendent of schools on October first, assuming the board approves his contract, the details of which will be hammered out today by Vargas and the search committee in a non-public meeting.

Londonderry, Manchester announcesTrick or Treat dates
Halloween’s coming and communities across the region are announcing Trick or Treat arrangements. The Londonderry Police Department announced that their Trick or Treating will be held on Saturday, October 29th, between of 4 to 7 and Manchester Police Chief Nick Willard has designated Monday October 31st from 6:00 to 8:00.
That’s news from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!