French: Recount confirms win
The results of the recount in Senate District Seven confirmed the victory of challenger State Rep. Harold French, Republican from Franklin, over incumbent Senator Andrew Hosmer, Democrat from Laconia. French led the balloting on election night by just sixteen votes. After the recount, he was declared the victor by seventeen. The final tally was 13,880 to 13,863. Senate President Chuck Morse Republican from Salem, issued a statement congratulating French on his hard fought election and welcoming him to the Senate, saying he looked forward to working with him as the new legislative session gets underway.

One down, four to go
The schedule for recounts in our listening area is as follows:
- Manchester Ward Twelve Democrat Joel Elber’s recount with Republican incumbent State Rep. Dick Marston, who lost by eight votes, is today.
- Tomorrow, Derry Republican Bob Fesh faces a recount with Democrat Mary Eisner, who lost by forty seven votes.
- On Monday, the races between Manchester Ward Five Democrat Andrew Gregoire and Republican Lisa Freeman, who lost by just one vote, and Dunbarton/Bow Republicans John Martin and Jr Hoel, who lost by fifteen votes, will be recounted.

Health Dept. wins award
The Manchester Health Department and its community partners will celebrate the receipt of the 2 0 1 6 Culture of Health Award at an event tomorrow morning at the Derryfield Restaurant. The national award is conveyed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nation’s largest philanthropy devoted solely to health. The award was given to honor the department’s efforts to ensure that all residents have the opportunity to live longer, healthier and more productive lives. Mayor Ted Gatsas will deliver the opening remarks.

Clinton: The luster is gone
Hillary Clinton gave a speech to the Children’s Defense Fund last night. Clearly, still suffering from her loss, she said it really wasn’t easy for her to be at their gala last night. She also didn’t urge those who’ve refused to accept the results to tone down the rhetoric, protests and violence. Instead, she urged the assembled crowd and her supporters nationally to keep up the fight on their issues and agenda.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Ryan: Resigned
Manchester Assistant Superintendent David Ryan is leaving the Manchester School District. His resignation was accepted by the Board of School Committee effective with the end of his current contract on June thirtieth. Ryan, a Hooksett resident, was hired by the board upon the recommendation of the district’s then new Superintendent Dr. Debra Livingston by a razor thin eight to six vote in July of two thousand thirteen. Mayor Ted Gatsas voted to hire Ryan based on his promise to move to the city. Ryan, a former assistant principal at Central, never moved to the city.
Prior to Livingston announcing she was going to retire, Ryan was a finalist for two superintendent positions for school districts up North, but he withdrew saying he was encouraged by supporters in the district to continue the work he was doing in Manchester. No word on what he’ll do following his time in Manchester. Ward Eight Committee Member Erika Connors was the lone vote against accepting his resignation at Monday night’s meeting of the board.

Auburn: Budget Committee continues reviews
The Auburn Budget Committee will meet tonight at seven in Town Hall. On the agenda for review are budgets for the Conservation Commission, Town Clerk, Police Department, Executive Department, personnel pay raises and insurance benefits, Emergency Management, Mosquito Control, Recreation Improvements and a warrant article about a Mobile Radar Trailer. The public is encouraged to attend.

Purple for PanCan!
Today is World Pancreatic Cancer Day! The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is asking people to wear something purple today to help raise awareness of the affliction that is now taking more lives each year than breast cancer and is the third largest cancer killer, behind lung and colon cancer. We’ve linked to our interview from earlier this week with Aimee Sherman about the day, the cause and OOOHHH sooo much more. Be sure to click in!
That’s NEWS from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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