What’s wrong with our schools? In case you are still wondering why current school improvement efforts have been a failure

If you ever wondered about the root cause of the chaos that now prevails in our educational system, wonder no more. Here is a simple example of why our schools no longer focus on literacy, or how they are not really driven by the wishes of the community (taxpayers and parents) as they legally should be.

You may have even heard that some school boards will practice limitation of public input, base their final decisions on the advice given to them by the self-described “experts” which come from outside the system, or employ PR firms to get their message out to the parents.

Protesting for Political Causes - How Does This Help Education?

Protesting for Political Causes – How Does This Help Education?

We bet most of the parents and taxpayers in Pittsfield and Manchester, two Annenberg partners in NH – there is also a Youth Organizers United in Manchester — have no idea they need to attend these special meetings in order to deal with a PR Firm created by an NGO/foundation that works out of a public university UNH. What this amounts to is The Carsey Institute works to filter their communications to the various school boards.

The legality of this is questionable. The truth of the matter is, these “ideas” proffered in these meetings are NOT coming from the people or the parents, but from the foundations themselves. Most of the parents in these areas likely have no idea that while the law is being overridden, their rights are being usurped.

The next new fad

The next new fad in discipline: http://www.pittsfieldlistens.org/index.php/component/content/article/20-blog/33-ccs-scl-101

Previous nonsense in the way of “Student Centered Learning”, or as we like to call it, “letting the inmates run the asylum”, has been around a long time and has failed.


Political activism is the goal

Using our children for political mules is not above the goals of these organizations as we can see from the signs the students held when GSOP and Y.O.U. members joined the April 12, 2014 protest outside the “NH Freedom Summit”…


For those of you who still think there is nothing political going on in our public schools (such as is claimed by Tom Raffio, Chair of the NH State School Board) here is a quote from the actual invitation to the protest:

“The Freedom Summit will feature national radical conservative leaders Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, Donald Trump, Congresswoman Marsha Blackurn, Speaker Newt Gingrich, Arthur Brooks and Governor Mike Huckabee. See you in Manchester to let these out of state radical conservatives know that they do not represent the NH Way!

State school board, Mayor, OK with it

We cannot imagine a State School Board Chair that would be so clueless about what is going on in NH’s public schools. Worse yet, we suspect he may in fact be in the know but claims he “knows of no bias” because these activities meet with his approval.