IRS scam afoot again
I R S scam phone scam calls continue and multiple police departments, as well as New Hampshire’s Attorney General are issuing alerts to their residents. Police in Candia issued a warning on Friday urging residents to notify their elderly friends and relatives and report calls to them promptly at 4 8 3 2 3 1 8.
In a story reported by Girard at Large last week, the Goffstown Police Department said the scam callers pass themselves off as I R S agents, claiming that the intended victim owes money they must pay promptly via wire transfer or pre-loaded debit card. If the victim does not cooperate, the caller becomes angry and hostile, threatening arrest, deportation or suspension of either a business or driver’s license.

Foster: Just hang up
On Friday, Attorney General Joseph Foster sent a Consumer Alert statewide saying that he himself had received calls on his cell, home and work numbers. He said his best advice to consumers was quote “to hang up immediately.”
The A G and police departments around the region warn the I R S never contacts taxpayers over the phone about money owed, nor asks for a wire transfer or pre-loaded debit cards. The A G’s release contained contact information for multiple agencies to report the scams and steps consumers can take to protect themselves and their identities. We’ve published the A G’s alert, which also contains information on another current I R S scam, at Girard at Large dot com.

A drawing missing from The New Hampshire Institute of Art’s gallery on Amherst Street has not been returned or found yet. The piece of art is believed to have been stolen sometime between November 25th and December 12th of last year. The artwork is a framed pencil drawing by George Stavrinos that is fourteen inches by eighteen inches, and is worth approximately five thousand dollars. We’ve put a picture of the drawing in our news read.
The Manchester Police Department is asking anyone with anyone with information about this theft to contact Detective Mangum at 7 9 2 5 5 1 3. Anonymous tips may also be given through Manchester Crimeline at 6 2 4 4 0 4 0 where you may be able to obtain a cash reward if the information leads to the identification of the suspect and or the location of the drawing.

Founders: Job fair announced
The Founders Academy Public Charter School in Manchester is holding a job fair on March 9 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The school is seeking applicants with a passion for teaching to fill many positions in almost every subject area. Applicants should bring their resumes, credentials, sample lesson plans, and register for a ten-minute introductory appointment at the founders academy dot org slash about slash job opportunities. For more information, contact Debra Waitt at 9 5 2 4 7 0 5 or email her at debra dot waitt @ t f a n h dot org. Teachers need not be certified to teach in a charter school.
News from our own backyard continues after this.
Shall the Town of Sandown begin actions to form a separate school district within S A U 5 5 based on the Withdrawal Plan presented to the Board of Selectmen October 15, 2015 (to begin operation no sooner than July 2018) and to direct that this Withdrawal Plan shall be submitted to the New Hampshire Board of Education according to the minority report provisions of R S A 1 9 5 : 2 5 – 2 9, and, in order to meet the legal requirements for initiating Sandown’s withdrawal, to further direct the Timberlane Regional School Board to conduct a study of the feasibility and suitability of the withdrawal of Sandown from the Timberlane Regional School District under the provisions of R S A 1 9 5 : 2 5 – 2 9? No funds are appropriated to this warrant.

Green: Gets pleasant surprise
That Citizen’s Petition Warrant Article question made it through Sandown’s Town Deliberative Session un-amended on Saturday, much to the surprise of its supporters. In an interview on Girard at Large, Donna Green, one of Sandown’s school board representatives on the Timberlane Regional School Board, expressed concern that the same folks who pushed the Sandown Board of Selectmen not to submit the feasibility study it conducted on the last question approved by voters to evaluate leaving, would try to amend this question rendering it useless.

Metzler: Faces another withdrawal petition for another satisfied customer
On Friday, the town of Hampstead will consider a similar Citizen’s Petition Warrant Article to consider the feasibility of withdrawing itself from S A U 5 5 at its Town Deliberative Session as well. That vote comes on the heels of a very public dispute between Superintendent Earl Metzler and Hampstead Budget Committee Chairman Jorge Mesa-Tejada, whom Metzler banned from school property for allegedly threating to commit acts of violence against school children. This came after the seventy nine year old Mesa-Tejada, who has served the town in multiple capacities for decades, pointed out there were far greater and more likely threats to the school children at the Hampstead Central School then the ones that Metzler said required a four point six million dollar bond to fix by expanding the school to eliminate portable classrooms.

Mesa-Tejada: Battle continues
In October, Mesa-Tejada presented a space utilization analysis of the school showing, with a sixty one point seven percent space utilization rate, the school didn’t need an addition to absorb the allegedly vulnerable kids in portable classrooms. Two days before, Metzler and Hampstead School Board Chair Jason Cipriano accused Mesa-Tejada of threating violence against the children, Metzler gave a letter to the Hampstead School Board from the S A U’s attorney alleging that the Hampstead Budget Committee had, for ninety years, illegally made recommendations on school warrant articles and that it should no longer be allowed to do so. On a three to two vote, the board voted to prevent budget committee recommendations from appearing under the warrant articles on the ballot. Budget committee recommendations against the expansion of the school in the past have been credited, or faulted, depending on your point of view, with defeating the measure in past elections.

The voting begins
It’s Caucus Day in Iowa today. Which means politicians of both parties will swarm New Hampshire like famished locusts starting tonight, if not beforehand. Brace yourselves, our First in the Nation Presidential Primary is only eight days away!
That’s news from our own backyard, Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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