Household hazardous waste day declared
The towns of Auburn, Nottingham and Raymond are teaming up to offer residents in their communities an annual Household Hazardous Waste Day collection event, which is free of charge to residents of the three towns.
Participants may bring up to five gallons or five pounds, whichever is higher, of oil based paint, pesticides, fertilizer, cleaning products, anti-freeze or pool chemicals on Saturday, September 2 4th from 9:00 to 1:00 at the end of Industrial Drive in Raymond, which is across from the Safety Complex. We’ve linked to all the details from this news read at Girard at Large dot com.

Ashooh: Will introduce finace reform
First District Republican congressional candidate Rich Ashooh said, if elected to Congress, he will introduce legislation to strengthen penalties, improve transparency and tighten regulations to better prevent campaign finance fraud. Ashooh said that voters are tired of the insider politics and Washington double-speak that has prevented problem solving. Quote:
My opponent Frank Guinta broke the law by accepting illegal contributions, and then lied about it. The time has come for us to add transparency and oversight to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Ashooh said the legislation would:
- Eliminate a congressional candidate’s ability to receive an extension to file his or her financial disclosure with the U.S. House.
- Require candidate campaign committees that violate Federal Election Commission (FEC) requirements to file monthly reports for two years after the date of the agreement and,
- Implement stricter time frames for the F E C and a candidate’s campaign committee to resolve questions of campaign finance violations.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Gatsas: On the offensive
Things have gotten just a little bit testy between Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas and Executive Councilor Chris Sununu in the G O P race for governor. First came a television ad from Gatsas hammering Sununu for his pro-Common Core and pro-Planned Parenthood votes and statements of support for the higher gas taxes backed by Gov. Margaret Wood Hassan.
Then came the Sununu press release saying quote:
Mayor Gatsas’s failing campaign has turned desperate. His new ad attacking Chris Sununu is a flat out lie and a clear attempt to draw attention away from his own failed record in Manchester, where violent crime has risen steeply and heroin overdoses have reached unprecedented levels. Now after 16 long years in politics, Mayor Gatsas wants to do to New Hampshire what he’s already done to Manchester. Voters are smart enough to know we need an innovative, conservative governor who can take our state in a new direction. Failed leadership and tired, old politics of the past are no answer for New Hampshire’s future. The voters know better.

Sununu: Gatsas’ record dismal in Manchester
The Gatsas camp responded in kind, calling Sununu a quote “unaccomplished Concord politician” and accused him of smearing the city of Manchester. Said Gatsas, quote:
First, Councilor Sununu attacked New Hampshire police officers, firefighters and members of the recovery community by saying that they haven’t led at the ‘local level.’ Now he is trying to smear Manchester and the strong community in our city that is working together every day to address the opioid crisis.
I am proud of the progress we have made in Manchester and the leadership provided by the brave men and women who are on the front lines of this epidemic. They should be applauded for their efforts instead of being denigrated by an unaccomplished Concord politician like Chris Sununu who hasn’t even bothered to meet with Manchester police officers or firefighters.

Hassan: Gets Sununu’s support on issues
Gatsas said Sununu’s campaign was “desperately flailing” in the final weeks because of his quote
liberal record that includes support for taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, votes for contracts that tie New Hampshire schools to Common Core standards and his openness to a gas tax increase. I am the only candidate who has the executive experience, the skills and the fiscally conservative values needed to move New Hampshire forward and win in November.”

Post 27: 9-11 Commemoration ceremonies announced
On Sunday, September 11th American Legion Post 27 in Londonderry will be hosting a memorial ceremony to remember those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks. The first plane struck at 8:46 am and at that time they will begin reading the names of all those who perished that day. The ceremony will take place at the Londonderry Town Common and conclude around 11:30 am. If you are interested in reading a page of names, which should take about 5-10 minutes, you can sign-up at Post 27 on 6 Sargent Rd in Londonderry or contact Post Commander Bob Stuart at 2 3 4 7 0 4 0.

“Super Search” Committee narrows the field
And then there were three. Working with its consultants, the Superintendent Search Committee of the Manchester School Board has winnowed the field to three candidates whose names will be forwarded to the board and made public later today. The committee met in non-public session on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday to review the resumes, discuss the recommendations from its consultant group and interview prospective superintendents. In all, thirty seven applications were received and six candidates were interviewed.
UPDATE: Superintendent Search Committee Chair Debra Gagnon Langton sent this email to the Board of School Committee yesterday regarding the announcement of the finalists:
HYA is working on confirming the ability of the potential superintendent candidates to attend meetings within the next 2 weeks with the Manchester community and the Board of School Committee . Until HYA can confirm these details, they have requested that the names of the candidates remain confidential. HYA has assured me that I will be able to inform the entire board the names of the individuals by Tuesday, 9/6, at the latest.
Therefore, the release of the names will be delayed. Note: HYA is the consultant hired by the district to facilitate the search.
That’s news from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!