Granite Hammer hits
The Manchester Police Department is swinging the Granite Hammer once again. The department in conjunction with the New Hampshire State Police and the U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration conducted the 9th round up of bad guys under the program designed to disrupt street level drug trafficking and illegal firearms possession, made possible by a grant from the state.
Monday’s operation netted 9 arrests, including:
- Rachel Moyer, 32 years old of 72 Shirley Park Road Goffstown was arrested on a warrant from Goffstown Police for Theft.
- Scott Lavoie, 57 years old of 300 Hanover Street #2 Manchester was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Drug (Fentanyl)
- Kristopher Cote, 36 years old of 211 Ash Street Manchester was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Drug (2 counts) (Crack Cocaine),( Marijuana) and Falsifying Physical Evidence
- Christine Rhea, 27 years old of 178 Crowley Falls Road Brentwood, NH was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Drug (Crack Cocaine) and Probation violation warrant.
- Amanda Loiselle, 28 years old of 17 Suffolk Court Bedford, NH was arrested for Probation Violation Warrant.
- Brian Huoppi, 35 years old of 118 Riddle Street Manchester was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Drug (Heroin)
- Shane Crawford, 34 years old of 25 Connecticut Street Woodsville, NH was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Drug (Heroin)
- Rifat Syla, 25 years old of 216 Valley West Way Manchester, was arrested for Resisting Arrest
- Kaelyn Burchi, 27 years old of 809 Brent Street Manchester was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Drug (Crack Cocaine)






Prior to Monday’s arrests, Granite Hammer operations have netted:
- 94 Arrests
- 777.1 grams (1.71 pounds) of Heroin seized
- 2,205.8 grams (4.86 pounds) of Cocaine seized
- 3.2 grams of Crack Cocaine seized
- 144.5 grams of Crystal Methamphetamine seized
- 833 grams (1.83 pounds) of Marijuana
- 4 Rifles seized
- 5 Pistols seized
- 2 Vehicles seized
- $151,802.00 US Currency seized
- 40 Suboxone Strips
- 324 Alrazolam Tablets
- 12 Dextro Amphetamine
- 23 Oxycodone Pills
- 7 Subutex Pills
- 3 Methadone pills
- 38.4 grams of Counterfeit Heroin

Forrester: Hammers Hassan over Granite Hammer funding delay
In reaction to the round up, Senate Finance Chair Jeanie Forrester, Republican from Meredith, who sponsored the Granite Hammer legislation, issued a statement praising the announcement, saying it was evidence that increased law enforcement is working to eliminate drugs from the streets in communities across the state. She also took the opportunity to take a shot at Governor Margaret Wood Hassan saying, quote:
The legislation became effective on July 1, however, the $1.5 million in funding was not distributed by the Governor’s office until the end of September, adding to her record of delaying critical funding to our communities to address the heroin and opioid epidemic. This was a very important piece of legislation which should have been a priority for the Governor in combating the heroin crisis.”

Commission to meet
If you’d like to sound off about this, or any public safety matter in the Queen City, you’re invited to attend the regular monthly meeting of the Manchester Police Commission, which will be held on Wednesday November 2nd at 9:00 a.m. in Police Headquarters on Valley Street. There is a public participation item on the agenda, though I suspect most of this audience will be at work and, therefore, unable to participate.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Wildfire danger
State forestry and fire officials are urging residents and recreationalists to remain vigilant regarding the increasing threat of wildfires in the state. Autumn is a busy time for wildfire activity with campfires, debris burning, equipment use and the like. Officials say careless disposal of smoking materials and wood ashes are the primary causes of forest fires and are worried that prolonged statewide drought conditions will make this fire season more dangerous than normal. Compounding their concern, officials say there is lack of water available to fight fires due to the drought.
Authorities are advising caution with any ignition source or open burning, saying a spark from any type of power equipment, or even trailer safety chains contacting pavement can spark a wildfire. They point to a small wildfire in Coos County caused when a chain hit a rock causing sparks during timber harvest operation as an example of their concerns. Residents are reminded to use caution when disposing of potentially live ashes from wood fired devices. Wood ash, they say, is a surprisingly good insulator and can harbor live embers for days. Obviously, they’re encouraging residents to check with local fire officials to obtain required permits before any open burning.

Sununu: Obamacare must go!
Following reports that Obamacare premiums next year will increase an average of more than 20%, a Chris Sununu for Governor spokesman, David Abrams, issued the following statement:
Colin Van Ostern’s unwavering support for Obamacare has hurt real people, and it’s a shame he continues to mindlessly support this terrible program. Average premium increases of more than 20% are unsustainable and will kill jobs, hurt families, and close small businesses. Colin Van Ostern owes every voter an explanation for his continued support of this disaster.
Premiums for a mid-level benchmark plan will increase an average of twenty five percent across the thirty states served by the federally run online market, according to a report from the federal Department of Health and Human Services. Some states, like ours, probably, will see much bigger jumps. Even better, about 1 in 5 consumers will have plans only from a single insurer to pick from, after major national carriers such as United Health Group, Humana and Aetna have reduced their offerings or withdrawn from the program altogether.

Shaheen: If you can afford it…
In response to the news, the current occupant of the White House reminded everybody that “if we liked our doctors we could keep them and if we liked our health plans, we could keep them, too.” Hillary Clinton agreed with Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Health Care Queen, who said “if you can afford them,” following the President’s comment, which, of course, we can’tn even if they happen to still be available.
Welcome to a government run enterprise: More cost, less choice and worse outcomes requiring more “government help.” God help us! Oh wait! God is only to be spoken about in our homes and churches, now. He’s been banished from the public square. Strike that lest they come and take me away for saying it!
That’s news from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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