LaFlamme: Citizens petition to overturn pet policy
As we hinted at yesterday, a Citizen’s Petition Warrant Article has come forward to overturn the Gender Non-Conforming policy adopted earlier this year by the Candia School Board. It was presented at the board’s meeting last night by parent Dana Buckley, the Candia Budget Committee member whose requests for public information about the cost of the legal scuffle the Candia School Board got into with the Manchester School District over tuition payments have largely been denied by school board chair Nicole LaFlamme. While state law only requires a citizens petition warrant article to be signed by twenty five residents of the town, Buckley’s petition was signed by one hundred seventy nine.
Buckley said he presented the petition because the board, by a four to one vote, ignored the vast majority of parents and citizens who had concerns with the policy and wanted time to review alternatives, such as the construction of a single stall bathroom, and come up with a compromise that secured the rights of all Candia’s students. At the time of the vote, the board not only faced several speakers opposed, but was also presented with a petition that had four hundred signatures from those opposed as well.
When asked whether or not the policy would come back before for discussion, LaFlamme said no, noting that it had been adopted.

Horn: Stepping down
Republican State Committee Chairman Jennifer Horn announced she will not seek a third term. Instead, she will retire from the R S C when her term ends at the 2017 Annual Meeting on January twenty eighth. In a statement issued by Horn, she said that during her four years as chairman, the party broke party fund raising records and she claimed credit for leading the efforts to win back the Republican majority in the House in 2014 and to win control of every branch of state government in 2016, including winning the corner office for the first time in 12 years. Said Horn, quote:
“Over the past four years, we worked hard to revamp and modernize our party infrastructure, build a professional political organization, recruit strong candidates and raise the resources required to compete with the Democrats. We have built a strong party that will help promote the Republican principles of limited government and unlimited opportunity across New Hampshire.”
Alpha Loft, an organization that supports and provides resources to entrepreneurs, to improve their prospects for successfully launching and scaling innovation-based businesses, has announced the opening of its third startup accelerator application period. Accelerate N H will take a small batch of startups through an aggressive 3 month program that includes coaching and seminars, expert mentors tailored for the startups specific needs, community connections, cloud hosting credits, coworking space, and more. Applications are accepted now through January 15th. The 2017 program begins late February and runs 14 weeks ending in a huge Demo Day on June 1st. We’ve got all the links so you can learn more. Who knows, maybe that guy you know who spends a lot of time in his basement could be the next Steve Jobs!
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Beaver: Hunted by DoT in Auburn!
The Auburn Police Department announced that someone from the New Hampshire Department of Transportation paid them a visit yesterday to let them know they have a person out around the Lake Massebesic trying to trap beavers. They wanted to let the public know in case folks saw anyone suspicious like that. As always feel free to contact the police department with any questions or concerns. Wonder how the beavers feel about that.

Library: Renovations to begin
Manchester’s Carpenter Memorial Library will soon undergo a face lift. The flooring will be replaced on the building’s first and second floors to blend with the existing original marble flooring and preserve this historic gem! During the renovations the building will be closed to the public from January 17th to the 28th. The West Manchester Branch will be open for extended hours during this time so residents will be able to pick up holds, attend programs, use the Wi-Fi, and access the Internet at the branch while they work to update the main library building. The building will reopen for normal hours on January 30th.

Johnson: Help wanted
The Library also announced the Manchester City Library Foundation is seeking new board members to help raise funds for the library. There is no residency requirement and they only ask that you be willing to help with fund raising activities in a low key environment! They say it’s a great board to get your feet wet with fund raising! For more information, please contact Chair Matt Johnson at m Johnson @ devine millimet dot com.

Manchester Winter Parking Rules
The Manchester Police Department must’ve been listening to us about the city’s Winter Parking Rules yesterday morning. At six fifty eight A M, we received this notice entitled Winter Parking Reminder:
Overnight parking restrictions, in effect from 1:00 am to 6:00 am every morning, commence December 1 of each year and last through April 15th. Please note the following rules:
Where parking is normally allowed on both sides of the street, parking is permitted only on the even-numbered side of the street during even-numbered months (i.e., December and February) and only on the odd-numbered side of the street during odd-numbered months (i.e., January and March)
Where parking is normally allowed only on one side of the street, parking continues to be allowed on that side every night (i.e., there are no overnight restrictions).
No word from the cops about what they’re doing to raise street level awareness and enable enforcement. After reading the notice this morning, we sent back a note inquiring about their plans. We’ll let you know what we get, if anything.
That’s NEWS from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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