Candia Police: A real crime wave hits
On Sunday, the Candia Police Department issued notice of a burglary on Chester Road near Brown Road on the afternoon of Friday, July 1st. A resident reported that someone forced their way into the garage and stole tools and equipment. Since then, two more burglaries have been attempted on Chester Road, near the town line. Police are asking residents to call if they’ve seen or if they see any suspicious activity. The department’s phone number is 4 8 3 2 3 1 8. Obviously, they’re encouraging residents to be alert.

Bryfonski: Help needed
The Bedford Police Department is also seeking the public’s help as they investigate a burglary that occurred last Friday. According to a statement issued by Chief John Bryfonski., at approximately 6 p.m. on Friday, July 1st, the department responded to Dartmouth Circle for a report of a daytime burglary. Upon arrival, officers found that the home had been forcibly entered sometime during the late afternoon hours. No one was home at time of the incident. Anyone with information regarding it is asked to contact the department at 4 7 2 5 1 1 3.

Howe: Attempted murder
Well, one of the Queen City’s shootings seems to have been solved. According to a statement released by the Manchester Police Department, on March 24th, it responded to 2 1 Ashmere Drive to speak with the residents in reference to someone shooting at their address. During the investigation, police determined that at 0030 hours on March 23rd, a juvenile resident of the address observed two subjects in a blue Ford Fusion drive by the address several times. The juvenile exited the home and was standing in the yard when one of the subjects exited the Ford, stood in the street in front of the address and fired one round from a shot gun at the juvenile and the home, damaging a shutter and the vinyl siding. An extensive investigation ensued during which the subject responsible for the shooting was identified as eighteen year old Logan Howe of Manchester. Howe, who was arraigned yesterday in Manchester District Court, has been charged with Attempted Homicide and is being held on two hundred fifty thousand dollars cash bail. The department is releasing no further information on the case at this time.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Rubens: Americans got screwed
Here again we see the fingerprints of our rigged political system. A Washington insider gets away scot-free for putting U.S. national security at risk. The Beltway class gets protection while ordinary Americans get screwed.
That’s what G O P senate candidate Jim Rubens had to say after F B I Director James Comey’s press conference yesterday given to update the public on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Comey: Mustn’t be reasonable
In his statement, Comey, concluded that Clinton was “extremely careless” in handling our nation’s secrets, stated that no reasonable person could have believed putting these emails on a private server was at all appropriate or acceptable, disclosed that one hundred and ten emails on the server were classified at the time they were sent and that Clinton should have known, whether they were marked or not, that they were classified, showing that Hillary not only lied, but knowingly endangered national security as Secretary of State. Comey confirmed she deleted work-related emails before turning them over to the State Department, despite her claims to the contrary and said, not surprisingly, it’s likely foreign governments hacked her emails. That all said, Comey declared that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a criminal case against Hillary because, well, it doesn’t appear that she did any of it intentionally.

Trump: System rigged
Presumptive G O P presidential nominee Donald J. Trump was characteristic in his response, issuing two tweets on Twitter. The first simply said: quote
The system is rigged. General Petraeus got in trouble for far less. Very very unfair! As usual, bad judgment.
Minutes later, Trump tweeted:
FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. No charges. Wow! #RiggedSystem

Brew Hampshire
The Greater Derry Londonderry Chamber of Commerce will host a screening of the new documentary film “Brew Hampshire” at 5:30 on Thursday, July 14th at the Derry Opera House. The event will include the opportunity to sample local craft beers and hear from a panel comprised of the film’s producer and local brewers and beer purveyors who are featured in the film. “Brew Hampshire” is an award winning feature length documentary about the rise of craft beer in the Granite State. It showcases the varying shapes and sizes of breweries in New Hampshire, the fascinating personalities behind their creations, and what it is about New Hampshire that attracts the entrepreneurial spirit. Between them, the towns of Derry and Londonderry have seen five breweries open in recent years. The 603 Brewery, From the Barrel Brewing Company and Pipe Dream Brewing have opened in Londonderry. Kelsen Brewing Company and Rockingham Brewing Company have opened in Derry. Tickets to the screening and beer sampling are ten bucks and can be purchased by those twenty one and older at g d l chamber dot org.
That’s news from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!