Rubens: Blasts Syrian amnesty
Following the granting of temporary amnesty to eight thousand Syrians living in the country by the Department of Homeland Security yesterday, G O P Senate candidate Jim Rubens issued a statement criticizing the move, noting that FBI Director James Comey previously warned that it is nearly impossible to determine which of these Syrian refugees and illegal aliens may have terrorist connections. Rubens called the move another executive amnesty program that puts Americans at risk. Said Rubens, quote:
“ISIS has announced that it will exploit known gaps in our immigration documentation system to sneak foreign terrorists onto US soil. How many more of these threats will it take before Congress stands up to President Obama and forces the Executive Branch to secure our borders and enforce immigration law to keep us safe?”

Ayotte: Libyan regrets?
In a related item, Rubens took a swipe at incumbent Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte following the newly announced bombing campaign the administration has launched in Libya to push ISIS out of strongholds it has secured in the country. Quote:
“It’s time for voters to hold Hillary Clinton and Kelly Ayotte accountable for their whack-a-mole, nation-building war policies that have spread terror throughout the Middle East and failed to keep Americans safe.”
In the release, he chided Ayotte for her refusal to debate him or answer questions at public appearances, suggesting the media ask her if she had any regrets for turning Libya into a failed state and ISIS haven by backing Hillary Clinton’s two thousand eleven bombing campaign.

Gatsas: Releases Granite Growth Agenda
Republican gubernatorial candidate Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas released The Gatsas Granite Growth Agenda, a Comprehensive Plan for New Hampshire’s Economy at a press conference in Nashua yesterday. Pledging to get Concord off the backs and out of the wallets of of New Hampshire families and businesses, Gatsas highlighted his ten point plan, which includes proscriptions to not just provide tax relief to families and businesses, but also to municipalities that have been battered by the state’s down-shifting of costs and withdrawal of revenues, forcing local communities to raise local property taxes across the state. We’ve linked to the complete plan from this news read at Girard at Large dot com.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Hooksett Fire, Police to host opioid forum
The Hooksett Fire Rescue and Police departments are hosting an Opioid and Drug Prevention Forum tomorrow night, Wednesday August third from 6:30 to 8:00 in the Hooksett Public Library. The forum will be led by Lt. Joseph Stalker, E M S officer and paramedic, and Sgt. Janet Bouchard, supervisor of the Police Department’s Detective Bureau. There will be time for questions and answers following the presentation. This event is open to the public and there is no charge to attend. Town residents are encouraged to learn about the state’s heroin/opioid epidemic and Hooksett’s efforts to combat it. Our thanks to the loyal listener who brought it to our attention.

Sacred Heart: Doors to close
Roman Catholics on Manchester’s West Side have received news from the Diocese of Manchester about the fate of one of their parishes. Sacred Heart Parish, which was twinned with Ste. Marie Parish many years ago, will be closed within six to nine months. The diocese has transferred Fr. John McKenzie, Associate Pastor of the two parishes away to fill pastoral needs elsewhere. Because the diocese can’t replace him and because it’s not possible to run both parishes with just one priest, the diocese will shutter the still vibrant parish. Sacred Heart is the third parish on the city’s West Side to close in recent years, preceded by St. Edmund’s, which was merged with St. Jean Baptiste to form the Parish of the Transfiguration before being closed and St. Patrick’s.

St. Hedwig: Were you or someone you know married before this alter?
Were you, or was anyone you know married at St. Hedwig Parish in Manchester between nineteen seventy six and two thousand fourteen? If so, the parish would like to hear from you! Marriage records for those years were found to be missing during a project to digitize the parish’s records. There’s a simple form they’d like those in the affected time period to fill out. You can obtain it by calling the parish at 6 2 3 4 8 3 5.

Higbie: Coming to NH
The National Heritage Center for Constitutional Studies, based in Epping, has announced that Carl Higbie will be the keynote speaker of its Constitution Day celebration. Higbie was on the Navy Seal assault team that captured the most wanted man in the Middle East–the Butcher of Fallujah, Ahmed Hashim Abd Al-Isawi. But instead of receiving the hero’s welcome the SEALs deserved, Obama’s politically correct Navy charged the SEALs with prisoner abuse after Al-Isawi alleged they’d beaten him up.

Hosting Higbie
When Carl went public with his account of what happened, he found himself up again a politically charged machine reaching all the way to the White House. But Higbie fought back–and he won. He’ll be in New Hampshire to share a most amazing story regarding America’s Enemies Foreign & Domestic. The event will be held on September 17th at the Courtyard Marriott in Nashua. Complete event details and registration are online at n h c c s dot org.
That’s news from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!