Vaccarello: Keynote speaker
BeBOLD, which stands for Bedford Building Our Lives Drug-free, announced a “Continue the Conversation” event will be held on Tuesday, October 25th from 6:30-7:30 pm at McKelvie Intermediate School. This event is a follow up to BeBOLD’s and McKelvie’s successful “Start the Conversation” event held in March. The event is geared towards parents who have children in grades four through six.
The keynote speaker will be Diane Vaccarello, owner and therapist at Bedford Family Therapy and BeBOLD committee member. Vaccarello will discuss strategies parents can use to talk to their kids about tobacco, drugs and alcohol. She will also talk about the effects drugs and alcohol have on the pre-adolescent’s brain and why it is so important that parents give a clear message to their kids about the dangers of using drugs and alcohol. Vaccarello will be joined by Sara Cassin, McKelvie’s health educator and McKelvie school counselors Priscilla McGinty and Jodi Parsons.
In the statement released to announce the event, Vaccarello said studies show that if parents start talking to their kids at an early age, kids will be less likely to try alcohol and drugs. Quote:
Many parents are unaware that they should be talking to their 4th, 5th or 6th grader about drugs. In fact, this is the best time to start talking to them.
For additional information visit be bold bedford dot org.

Guinta: Nails down police endorsement
The Manchester Police Patrolman’s Association, the union representing rank and file police officers in the Queen City, has endorsed Frank Guinta’s re-election to Congress.
Said M P P A President Ken Chamberlain in a statement issued yesterday, quote:
We at the Patrolman’s Association have known Frank Guinta a long time. We know his faith in law enforcement officers. We know his good work as mayor and United States Representative. We know his positive agenda for the Granite State, everything from budgetary issues to safety and security will help our neighborhoods become more peaceful places. We wholeheartedly endorse Frank to serve us in Congress.
Guinta said he couldn’t be more grateful for the outstanding vote of confidence from the quote “brave men and women who make up the best police force I know,” while referencing the seventeen percent decrease in crime that took place while he was mayor of Manchester.

Derry: Urging water conservation
The town of Derry is joining 1 7 3 other water systems and municipalities throughout New Hampshire in strongly urging its residents to make significant water conservation efforts. Despite recent rains and cooler temperatures, southeastern N H continues to experience severe drought conditions. Without action now, warned the town in a press release, mandatory bans and significant water shortages could soon result. We’ve linked to the page on their Web site where they’ve published a variety of measures residents can take to conserve water, like checking outside spigots and hoses for leaks, which often go unnoticed, wasting hundreds of gallons of water a day.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Gatsas: Dumbfounded by spending
Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas made some news in his weekly interview here on Girard at Large, yesterday. During our discussion, he said that the city’s projected budget gap of more than seven million dollars could widen to between ten and fifteen million dollars if, among other factors, the Board of Aldermen gives various city union groups contracts similar to the one it gave the Police Patrolman’s Association. A frustrated Gatsas expressed disbelief at the actions of the aldermen despite the clear financial situation facing the next budget, which he’s already started to pull together, saying, at some point, the taxpayers are going to put their foot down and it won’t be pretty when it happens. We’ve linked to the interview.

Body found on Tuesday
The name of a man found dead in Cullerot Park, home of the West Little League’s baseball fields, which are adjacent to the grounds of Northwest Elementary School, was released by investigators yesterday. The body of forty four year old Jeffrey Williams of four forty four Boynton Street in Bedford was discovered near the west trail of Rock Rimmon by a neighborhood resident was walking his dog. The state medical examiner is awaiting a toxicology report on samples taken during an autopsy to determine the cause of death.
School district officials were alerted to the situation and parents of Northwest Elementary were notified of the body’s discovery by Principal Shelley LaRochelle. As officials did not believe foul play was involved in Williams’ death, they concluded there was no threat to the children at the nearby school.

Trucks to roll down Elm St. on Sunday!
Manchester’s iconic Fire Prevention Parade will step off this Sunday at Noon. The parade features antique and modern fire fighting and rescue equipment from cities and towns all over the state and throughout New England. It’s a noisy, delightful affair as they come down Elm Street with sirens blaring, lights flashing and candy being tossed out windows. It’s short too. It only takes about 15 minutes for the whole noisy assembly to drive by where ever you’re standing as you watch it rumble by.
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