Kaprielian: Wrong hat for the weather
The National Weather Service in Gray, ME has issued a Wind Chill Watch our area from tonight at 9:00 to tomorrow morning at 11:00. Wind Chill’s are expected to plunge as low as minus twenty seven degrees as temperatures dive to five below and winds gust to forty miles per hour. These conditions can cause frostbite and hypothermia in short order, making them extremely dangerous. Officials say if you don’t have to be outside don’t and if you do, be sure to wear lots of layers and cover as much skin as possible with hats, mittens, gloves scarves, whatever it takes. Stay tuned to our very own Al Kaprielian who’ll be updating his forecast here and on Twitter as this Arctic Blast blows through. We’ve got the link that makes it easy right here in this newscast at Girard at Large dot com.

Designated emergency shelter
In response to the coming weather, Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas announced that the city has designated New Horizons for New Hampshire as the its emergency warming and overnight shelter. Individuals seeking warmth and shelter during this extreme weather event are asked to check-in at the New Horizons Shelter located at 199 Manchester Street. Gatsas said he and city officials will monitor occupancy levels at New Horizons during the cold snap and are prepared to open another shelter should it become necessary.

Bryfonski: Rash of vehicle break-ins
Police in Bedford are warning motorists to secure their vehicles and the belongings inside them. Police Chief John Bryfonski announced there has been multiple motor vehicle break-ins over the past week. Numerous cars in parking lots along South River Road and off Route 1 0 1 have had their windows smashed. In many cases, purses were taken from the vehicles and stolen credit cards were then used at stores.
In order to prevent motor vehicle break-ins, Bryfonski strongly suggested residents lock their vehicles, even in their own driveway, and not leave belongings, especially those of value, in plain view or in the car at all if you can help it. If you see anything out of the ordinary or discover belongings have been stolen from your vehicle, please call the Bedford Police Department at 4 7 2 5 1 1 3.

Vehicle w/o suspect
The Manchester Police Department announced it has taken nearly fifty criminal mischief reports since Thanksgiving weekend, most of them from the city’s North End. In a press release issued yesterday, the department said damages exceed eleven thousand dollars and are mounting as the investigation continues.

Vehicle with suspect
The senseless acts of mischief include broken fences and car windows and vandalized houses. A statue of the Virgin Mary was even stolen from a beloved neighborhood crèche on Myrtle Street. Detectives have received multiple tips and surveillance photographs and are asking for the public’s help to identify the vehicles and people captured in the security camera footage. We’ve published them with this news read so you can contact Detective Justin Breton at 7 9 2 5 5 0 9 or Manchester Crimeline at 6 2 4 4 0 4 0 with the information you may have to share. As always, Crimeline tips may be anonymous and could lead to cash rewards.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Ryan: Confronted by unhappy parents
Parents in South Manchester blasted school officials at Memorial High last night. District administrators held the second of three forums on the decision to embed drug lessons throughout the district’s curriculum. Parent complaints ranged from the failure to secure public input before the program was approved, to providing teachers with materials that likely will send the wrong message to kids, to providing teachers with materials that will cause them to wade into areas they aren’t trained to get into, to embarking on a course of action that had no scientific data to prove it would work or not make things worse, to not having a plan to involve parents in the discussion. Multiple speakers engaged in thoughtful dialogue with administrators and other presenters, which for the sentiments expressed, was respectful and constructive. Assistant Superintendent David Ryan said the program will be adjusted based on public input. The final session is tonight at six in the library at West High School.

Public hearings announced
The Derry Town Council will hold public hearings on the evening of Tuesday, January 3rd at 7:30 in the Town Council Chambers of the Derry Municipal Center. The council is looking for input on a proposed Supplemental Appropriation of more than a quarter of a million dollars from the town’s Unassigned Fund Balance and reserve one hundred fifty thousand dollars from Conservation Commission funds for the purpose of purchasing land at 7.5 Willow Street. The council will also take comments on proposed revisions to the Building Code, which has an effective date of thirty days after adoption.

Ooooo pretty
Selectmen in Auburn are looking for input on a proposed redesign of the entrance to Town Hall. The design adjusts the front stairs and extends the roof over the stairs for better protection during inclement weather. The design work was initiated after repairs to railings and stair boards became necessary in October, causing officials to notice the deficiencies. We’ve got the link to the conceptualized design so you can take a look and offer your feedback.

Bring this!
The Manchester Police Department Community Police Division will host Coffee with a Cop, at the New Day Diner on 3 4 2 Cypress Street at nine this morning. They’re looking forward to seeing you there, so they can say hello and discuss any issues you may have in your neighborhood. The coffee is free but your company is priceless they say.
That’s NEWS from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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