For Immediate Release


MANCHESTER, NH  August 5, 2021–The campaign of Manchester Republican mayoral candidate Richard Girard released a second letter Girard sent to rivals Victoria Sullivan and incumbent Mayor Joyce Craig asking the pair to debate.  To date, there has been no response to either letter.  In his first letter, Girard encouraged media outlets to arrange the debates so they would be seen as objective by all three campaigns.  So far, only has invited candidates to debate.  As of this writing, Girard believes he is the only candidate to respond.

“In 2015, then candidate Joyce Craig requested debates with Mayor Ted Gatsas and he agreed to multiple debates.  Now, as mayor, she appears unwilling to do what she once demanded.

“The Sullivan campaign’s silence is equally disappointing.  One would think she would welcome the opportunity to demonstrate her command of the issues and ability to do the job in a debate with myself and the mayor.

“That neither candidate is even acknowledging the invitation tells me they either don’t want to defend their records or present their plans in a format that will allow the voters to determine who’s best to lead the city forward.  I will debate either or both at any time before any group and I trust voters will remember this on the September 21st Primary Election Day.  They deserve better than ‘hide and seek’ candidates.”
