Monaco: A trooper no more, to plead guilty
New Hampshire Attorney General Joseph Foster announced yesterday that State Trooper Andrew Monaco is expected to enter guilty pleas to three counts of simple assault stemming from his use of force in connection with the May 11th arrest of Richard Simone, Jr. The plea is scheduled for tomorrow in Nashua District Court. Simone led Monaco and other troopers from both Massachusetts and New Hampshire, as well as Nashua police, on a two state high speed chase that ended in Nashua. After Simone peacefully surrendered himself, Monaco and Mass State Trooper Joseph Flynn were caught on video, just pounding the crap out him.

Officers watch beatdown
Simone was on his hands and knees when Monaco and Flynn started pounding him with their fists while several troopers and officers stood by and watched the beating. When Girard at Large asked why no charges were brought against the officers who watched the beat down take place, Assistant Attorney General Susan Morrell replied quote:
This incident began and ended very quickly, and there is no evidence to support criminal charges against the officers present at the scene.
The beating that was quote unquote quickly given, lasted more than twenty seconds. It’s probably worth noting that the A G’s press release referred to Monaco as a former state trooper.

Strong NH: A reasonable next step?
In a press release issued yesterday, Citizens for a Strong New Hampshire called on Governor Margaret Wood Hassan to quote “provide an update on her support for the Obama Administration’s ongoing payoffs to Iran.” Last year, wrote Strong NH Spokesman Derek Dusfresne, Hassan approved of the deal with Iran saying quote: “While imperfect, it’s the best available option to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon…” noting that Hassan said it was quote “only a first step.”

Hassan: Support cash for hostages?
In light of the recent revelation that the administration paid four hundred million dollars worth of foreign currency in cash ransom to free four American hostages, Dufresne asked whether or not Hassan supports cash for hostages and whether or not she still supports the Iran Nuclear Deal. Quote:
Last year, she stated that the Iran Deal was ‘only the first step.’ Does she think that paying $400 million to the Iranians to free American hostages is an acceptable next step? According to the Obama State Department, Americans are now more at risk from Iranian hostage-takers following the ransom. Granite Staters deserve to know whether she supports these dangerous policies.

Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa: Cut big check, got visit with Hillary
Former U S Attorney for New Hampshire Tom Colantuno has backed a call by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for an independent prosecutor to look into the highly questionable and suspect dealings the Clinton Foundation has had with foreign governments during and since Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State. Trump’s call for an independent prosecutor came after Judicial Watch released emails it obtained from the Justice Department showing that Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa of Bahrain stroked a thirty two million dollar check to the Clinton Foundation shortly before he was given an audience with Clinton while she was Secretary of State. The documents, released Monday, included emails between Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band and former Clinton State Department aide Huma Abedin, which appear to show that Abedin acted as a middleman between Clinton and her foundation’s donors.

Colantuono: Investigation warranted
In a statement issued yesterday, Colantuono said quote
As a former state and federal prosecutor, I believe wholeheartedly in the rule of law. I support Donald Trump’s call for a special counsel to investigate allegations of corruption related to the Clinton Foundation because the U.S. Department of Justice can’t be trusted to perform an objective investigation. The American people need to know before November 8 whether Hillary Clinton broke the law while she was a U.S. Senator or Secretary of State.

Clinton: Looks bad
For her part, Clinton issued a statement asking quote “What difference, at this point, does it make?” Actually, she announced that if she’s elected President, she’ll stop taking donations from foreign rulers and governments. Apparently, it looks bad.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Merrimack: Acting to avoid this starting in Sept.
It appears as if the town of Merrimack doesn’t again want traffic helicopters from Boston news organizations circling the town on Election Day to chronicle the epic traffic back ups at their polling place. The town announced yesterday it now has three permanent polling places around town to prevent the breathtaking traffic back-up that led state officials to extend voting hours and caused many voters to go home during the First in the Nation Presidential Primary. They are James Mastricola Upper Elementary School, Merrimack Middle School and St. John Neumann Church. They’ve broken the town into three voting districts around the new polling places and we’ve uploaded their flier advertising where residents of what streets will vote.

Lachance: To Florida with love for vets
The Sandown Fire Department and Sandown Fireman’s Association proudly announced that 6 8 year old Jerry Lachance, a 2 2 year member of the department, will be riding his bicycle from the NH/ Canadian border to Key West, Fl to raise money for Ride 2 Recovery, an organization that supports our nation’s veterans and saves lives by quote “restoring hope and purpose.” Jerry will depart from Pittsburgh, on September 3rd and expects to arrive in Key West on September 29th. Jerry’s goal is to raise ten thousand dollars.
In support of Jerry’s Ride, the Sandown Fireman’s Association has coordinated overnight stays for him at firehouses along the way. Sloppy Joe’s Bar and Grill in Key West has offered to be the “finish line” so that Jerry’s friends and family can watch as he arrives via their online web-cams. So far, Jerry has raised eighty five hundred dollars toward his goal thanks to a tremendous pouring of support from friends, neighbors and strangers.

A good cause
Jerry plans to stop in about 2 5 cities and towns along the way, with his extended firefighter family providing lodging and food at almost every stop. To follow Jerry as he prepares for his trip, and for updates while he’s “on the road” please like, follow, and share facebook dot com slash JerryRide, all one word, which is where you can also get more info about Ride 2 Recovery and donate if you so choose. We’ve linked to it from this news read for your convenience.