Metzler: Budget oops in need of correction
Just when you think the Timberlane Regional School District couldn’t become any more ridiculous, the folks therein prove you wrong. In an email written by Superintendent Earl Metzler’s secretary, Cathy Belcher, who really runs the place, don’t you know, the school board was told quote:
Please be advised that upon review of the approved default budget after Tuesday’s meeting, a technical error was found in that the $40,000 for the sound study at the PAC should have been removed from the 2017-18 proposed budget; not the default budget.
Chairman Bealo will allow for board action at the December 15th board meeting under the budget update agenda item to rectify this error.

Green: Launches sharp rebuke
That didn’t go over well with school board member Donna Green of Sandown who replied, in part quote:
Since school board members are charged by the law to study, review and determine to be correct the default budget and so declare under penalty of perjury, I am demanding the default budget in all detail by line item ( function/object code) be delivered to me via email no later than 4 pm today, Dec. 14, 2016.
This is my fifth request for this information.
Green then went on to list her other requests, which included being told by Business Administrator George Stokinger that she would not be given the line item detail of the default budget.
In response to her request, Board Chair Peter Bealo wrote he quote will
be asking if the BOARD requires such a document for their review. If the BOARD requires it, then it will be provided.
That provoked this sharp response from an indignant Green, quote:
Why on earth should this not simply be forthcoming?
The BOARD is expected to vote on this at tomorrow’s meeting. I’m requesting the information I need to give an informed vote.
If the board votes to get the information I am requesting, would you then delay asking for a vote on the default until we’ve all had a chance to review the information? Or are you setting the board up to look like irresponsible zombies?
I heard Dr. Metzler say in the SAU office yesterday, “If it doesn’t exist, don’t give it to her.”
Are you saying the information I want does exist, but you won’t give it to me before tomorrow’s meeting?

Bealo: Shuts down communication
Bealo responded saying quote
To avoid lowering myself to your level of discourse, I will not be responding to this and any future message written in this tone.
In the future, if you continue to be unable to control yourself, please do not copy or write directly to district personnel. Doing so once more will cause me to tell them to send your notes straight to Trash.
In replying to Bealo, Green sent the email chain to the entire board saying quote:
When did the BOARD vote to give you the authority to do what you are threatening?

Is justice on the horizon at Timberlane?
In the email, she sited R S A 6 4 2:1 which is entitled Obstructing Government Administration and says quote:
- A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if that person uses intimidation, actual or threatened force or violence, simulated legal process, or engages in any other unlawful conduct with a purpose to hinder or interfere with a public servant, as defined in RSA 640:2, II, performing or purporting to perform an official function or to retaliate for the performance or purported performance of such a function.
Watching how things have worked in Timberlane, this could very well end up in court. No word yet on what happened with their attempt to fix the default budget, which is only, by state law, to contain ongoing contractual and operating expenses, not one time expenses from the prior year or new one time expenses, like forty thousand dollars for a sound study at the Performing Arts Center.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

GPD: Drug investigation nets 6
The Goffstown Police Department, in conjunction with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Street Crimes Task Force, executed a search warrant at 602 Black Brook Road in Goffstown, yesterday. Included with the search warrant were seven arrest warrants for individuals with various charges relating to the sale of heroin in the Greater Goffstown Area. After a nearly four month long investigation regarding heroin sales and distribution, the following subjects were arrested and charged with multiple felonies.
- Twenty nine year old LOGAN JANAS of Goffstown
- Thirty one year old AMY AUDETTE of Goffstown
- Thirty Five year old PETER SAGE of Manchester
- Thirty year old ROMAN RUSSELL of Goffstown
- Sixty Eight year old GLENN JANAS of Goffstown and
- Sixty five year old MAUREEN JANAS, also of Goffstown
Bail for these upstanding citizens was set anywhere from fifteen hundred dollars to one hundred thousand bucks. They’ll be in court today. Complete details of all charges, along with their pictures are here.

Hooksett supervisors to meet
The Hooksett Supervisors of the Checklist will meet today at 4:30 in Council Chamber at the Town Municipal Building. The meeting will be part of the Board of Election’s meeting and as time allows, the Supervisors will continue to review voter registrations and changes and make changes to the voter checklist. This is a public meeting. Hooksett residents currently not registered to vote are encouraged to attend and register to vote. Party registration may be accepted. MAY be accepted? What do they mean “may” be accepted?
That’s NEWS from our own backyard, Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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Very upstanding citizens!!!